Workflow Executions

FeatureDescriptionLimit ValueNotes
Workflow Execution TimeMaximum duration for a workflow to run.12 hours (default: 2 hours)Visit the More In-Depth Explanation of Time Limitations section, for a more detailed explanation.
Execution HistoryMaximum number of entries stored in a workflow’s execution history.100Contact support if you need to increase the number of history entries.


Limit DescriptionLimit ValueNotes
Maximum output size for a step’s output (result)20MBFor larger outputs, save the result to a file using the step configuration.
Maximum number of steps in a workflow5000
Default timeout for a step1 minuteVisit the More In-Depth Explanation of Time Limitations section, for a more detailed explanation.
Maximum number of HTTP Steps per minute1200Applies to Blink Cloud Runners only.

More In-Depth Explanation of Timeout Limitations

Timeouts can be defined at two levels: Step and Workflow


FeatureLimit DescriptionLimit ValueNotes
Global VariablesMaximum size of a Global Variable1MB
Set Variable Flow Control ActionMaximum size for a value in the Set Variable action20MB
Wait Flow Control ActionMaximum timeout duration for the Wait action14 DaysPaused time doesn’t count toward workflow duration. E.g., a 4-hour workflow with a 1-hour pause takes 3 hours to execute.
Interactive ActionsMaximum timeout for Interactive Actions14 Days
Wait For Web Form Response ActionMaximum timeout for Web Form Response action14 Days
Synchronous SubflowsTimeout for Synchronous SubflowsLimited by parent workflow timeoutA synchronous subflow must finish within the parent workflow’s timeout (e.g., 10 min for a 10-minute parent workflow).
WebhooksMaximum number of executions per minute1800
Polling IntervalMinimum time between each poll1 min
Scheduled TriggersMinimum time frequency for scheduled workflows1 minDefault is set to 5 min


Limit DescriptionLimit ValueNotes
Maximum file size for a single step500MBDoes not apply if using your own Object Storage.
Maximum total file size across all steps in a workflow1500MBDoes not apply if using your own Object Storage.
Maximum number of files that can be created in one workflow execution100