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Workflows Runtime Limitations

FeatureLimit DescriptionLimit valueNotes
StepsThe maximum value size of a step's output20MBCan a use bigger output size by saving the step output to file using the step configuration
StepsThe maximum number of steps that can be added and executed in a workflow.5000
StepsDefault step timeout2 minute
StepsThe max number of HTTP Steps that can run in one minute1200Only applicable to Blink Cloud Runners
Workflow ExecutionsMaximum execution duration12 hours (and 2 hours by default)
Global VariablesThe maximum size of a Global Variable1MB
The Set Variable Flow Control ActionThe maximum size of a value that can be assigned using the Set Variable flow control action.20MB.
The Wait Flow Control ActionThe maximum timeout duration for the Wait Flow Control Action.14 DaysPaused time, such as when using the Wait Action in your workflow, doesn’t count toward the workflow’s total duration. For example, if a workflow runs for 4 hours in total but includes a 1-hour pause configured with the The Wait Flow Control Action, the actual execution time will be 3 hours.
Interactive ActionsThe maximum timeout duration for all Interactive Actions14 DaysPaused time, such as when waiting for a response using Interactive Actions, doesn’t count toward the workflow’s total duration. For example, if a workflow runs for 4 hours in total but includes a 1-hour pause waiting for a response during the Interactive Actions step , the actual execution time will be 3 hours.
Wait For Web Form Response ActionThe maximum timeout duration for Wait For Web Form Response Action14 DaysPaused time, such as when waiting for a response using Wait For Web Form Response Action, doesn’t count toward the workflow’s total duration. For example, if a workflow runs for 4 hours in total but includes a 1-hour pause waiting for a response during the Wait For Web Form Response Action step , the actual execution time will be 3 hours.
Synchronous SubflowsThe maximum timeout duration for "Synchronous Subflows"Synchronous Subflows are constrained by the timeout of the parent automation. This means that the Subflow cannot run longer than the parent workflow's total timeout.If a parent workflow has a 10-minute timeout, a synchronous subflows must finish within that time. For example, if the parent workflow spends 6 minutes on its own tasks, the subflow can only run for up to 4 minutes before the timeout ends.
FilesMax size of file created by a step500MBIf you are using your own object storage there is no max size limitation of a file created by a step.
FilesMax total size for sum of files in a workflow's steps1500MBIf you are using your own object storage there is no max total size for the sum of files in a workflow's steps.
FilesAmount of files created in a workflow100
Execution HistoryNumber of entries in the workflow's execution history100If you would like to increase the amount of entries in your execution history, please contact support.