Any Workflow has a YAML format representation which looks like this:

Viewing your Workflow in YAML format

  1. In the Workflow Editor, in the top-right corner, click the

    icon and then select the Edit YAML option . Your Workflow is presented in YAML format.

Workflow YAML Grammar

The Workflow YAML is used to describe the Workflow and is defined as YAML . These attributes are present in the Workflow YAML file:

  • name - Name of the Workflow.

  • type - Can be either a Flow or Subflow Workflow.

  • Workflow_type - The Workflow type represents how the Workflow will be used: on_demand, event or scheduled

  • active - True while the Workflow is running, false otherwise.

  • desc - Description of the Workflow.

  • connections- The Workflow’s connection, in the following format: connection-type:connection-name.

  • workflow- The workflow representation. Workflow is built by sections that contains a name and steps

  • steps - There are two types of steps: Action and Text. Each type contains different attributes: Action

  • action - The full name of the action.

  • id - ID of the step.

  • name - Name of the step.

  • desc- Description of the step.

  • inputs- The Action’s inputs, in the following format:input-field-name:value

Action inputs might be encapsulated, for example:

  sub-input-field: value
  sub-input-field-2: value2
  • connections - The connection of the step, in the following format: connection-type: connection-name.

  • steps - Flow Control actions such as internal.for iterates over all the steps and executes them.

  • transitions - Flow control actions such as internal.if contains the transitions field built as following:

  - on: true
    steps: ...
  - on: false
    steps: ...

One of the steps branches will execute depending on the evaluated condition, which is provided on the if action.


  • text - Free text. (this is unrelated to the steps attribute.)

  • counting_steps - The number of steps in the Workflow.

YAML Format Examples

Example of Input and Output Parameters

name: output parameters
type: Flow
automation_type: on_demand
    default: Ofir
    display_name: Name
    name: name
    placeholder: Enter your name
    required: true
    type: text
  Welcome Message: "{{ steps.S1.output }}"
  - section: Formatting
      - action: core.bash
        id: S1
        name: Format welcome message
          code: echo "Welcome, {{}}!"
counting_steps: 0

Download YAML Format of a Workflow

  1. In the Workflow Editor, in the top-right corner, click the

    icon and then select the Download YAML option .

  2. It will automatically download a file containing the YAML format of your workflow.