Clicking on the “Overview” button on a workflow in a Pack will open the Workflow Overview page. This page displays general information and settings of the Automated workflow and allows you to edit these settings to meet your needs. On the left-hand side is a preview of the current published version of the selected automated workflow.


Published workflow versions may be different the automated workflow version in the workflow editor.

Overview of an Automated Workflow

Workflow nameName of the Workflow.
Active/Inactive Published workflows can be switched between active or inactive mode.
Description Description of the Workflow.
Vendor The Vendor icon associated with the Workflow.
Tags Tags used to easily search for the Workflow.
RunnerEnvironment in which the Workflow is run. The default runner that is used is Blink-Cloud.
Serial Workflow RunsWhen a workflow is set to run in serial, it executes runes one after another in the order of occurrence. When turned off, the workflow
Run methodsMethods to run a Workflow (depending on the trigger type).
Self serviceExposes or hides the Workflow in the Self-service portal.
Notify on errorEmail address for notifications if errors occur during an execution.
Run workflow on error Enables a workflow to run when there is an error during an execution.

Filtering a Workflow by Tags:

  1. In the “Tags” section of the Workflow overview , you also have the option to create you own tag(s) for the Automated Workflow by entering a tag name of your choice.

  2. After creating a tag, you can simply locate it in the “Tags” section on the left-hand sidebar of the workflow page. Use this tag to easily search or filter the desired Workflow in both the workflows list and the self-service portal.