Published Workflows

  • A published Workflow is the version that appears in your Workflow Pack and in the Self-service portal. If it is active it will respond to preset triggers.
  • By default, all On-Demand Workflows are exposed as Subflows in the self-service portal. This function allows you to quickly and easily re-use a previously exposed Workflow while creating a new one.

Controlling the Availability of a Published Workflow

The Active/Inactive toggle, which appears in the Workflow Overview page of your selected Workflow, controls the availability of a published Workflow. The toggle is only be enabled for published Workflows. Unpublished Workflows show the Active/Inactive toggle button is disabled and set to Inactive.

When Set to Active:

  • Publishing an active Workflow will not change the current state of the Workflow. The publish button shows Publish.

When Set to Inactive:

  • Workflows cannot be executed by CLI, API, or a Trigger (On-Demand, Event-Based, or Scheduled).
  • Self-service toggle in overview tab will be disabled.
  • The Workflow will be removed from self-service portal.
  • The Run Workflow button in the overview tab is shown, but disabled. Hovering over it will show this tooltip: Workflow is Inactive and cannot be executed.
  • Workflow currently running will not be stopped.
  • Workflow can still be executed from the edit screen.
  • The Publish button in the edit mode is Publish & Activate. Publishing an Inactive Workflow automatically activates the Workflow.
  • Attempts to run an inactive Workflow from the API returns Workflow is Inactive and cannot be executed.