File object

Each file object contains 3 fields:

  1. identifier, which is the unique identifier of the file.

  2. size, which is the size of the file in bytes.

  3. path, which is the absolute path to the file:

    • This field can be used in Bash/Python steps when you want to perform some action on the file (e.g. if you want to print the file in Bash, you can run the cat command and use the file path as the argument).

Expression Language and Variable Picker support

When creating the Workflow, the file objects are available in the variable picker under the files section.

The expression language supports accessing the file objects using the get_file function, which accepts a single argument - the file identifier. It returns an object containing the 3 fields described above.


Each execution may create up to 100 files with a total size of 1500 MB.

The maximum size for each file is 500 MB.

Example Use Cases