Append To List

Append an item to the end of a list. If the variable does not exist, the action will create a new list automatically.

Variable NameThe name of the variable.
ItemItem to add to list.

Reverse List

Reverses the order of elements in a list.

For example: The list [8,12,2,6] will result in the output list: [6,2,12,8].

ListThe JSON list to reverse.

For example: The input list [1,2,3] will result in the output list [3,2,1].

Remove Duplicates From List

Removes duplicate elements from a list.

ListThe JSON list to remove duplicates from.

For example: The input list [1,2,2,1] will result in the output list [2,1].

Generate MD5 Hash From String

Generates a MD5 hash from a string.

For example: For input string: blink, the returned generated MD5 hash will be: 40652ee9ae143f1c1c830f01a5449ecb.

StringThe MD5 hash will be calculated based on this string.

Generate SHA1 Hash From String

Generates a SHA1 hash from a string.

For example: For input string: blink, the returned generated SHA1 hash will be: dcae3a7a7c14a77ef384f1c5df6e63edc780eba0.

StringThe SHA1 hash will be calculated based on this string.

Generate SHA256 Hash From String

Generates a SHA256 hash from a string.

For example: For input string: blink, the returned generated SHA256 hash will be: e14a51fded1fb9b43de815d3832da099053b583f1d2c01d0495a70f118df426c.

StringThe SHA256 hash will be calculated based on this string.

Generate UUID V4

Generates a random version 4 UUID.

Note: A Version 4 UUID is a universally unique identifier that is generated using random numbers. There is no warranty that the provided UUID is unique.

Generate Random String

Generates a random string of specified length with the given character sets.

String LengthThe length of the generated string, default 10.
Include Special Chars[!-*] character set - !@#$%&*.
Include Uppercase Chars[A-Z] character set - ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ.
Include Digit Chars[0-9] character set - 0123456789.
Custom Characters’Characters that will be appended to character pool. For example: Bl1#K@p$.‘

Generate Random Number

Generates a random integer within a specific inclusive range.

MinimumThe minimum value of the range (inclusive).
MaximumThe maximum value of the range (inclusive).

Run JP Command

Run a JSON path query command on a given JSON object.

JSONJSON object to run the path query command on.
QueryPath query command to run.
UnquotedIf the final result is a string, it will be printed without quotes.

Run JQ Command

Run a JSON query command on a given JSON object.

JSONJSON object to run the query command on.
QueryQuery command to run.

Get TLS Certificate Information

Retrieves information about the security certificate (TLS/SSL) used by an endpoint for encrypted communication.

HostnameThe hostname of the endpoint.
PortThe port number of the endpoint.

Check IP in CIDR

Checks if an IP address belongs to a specific network (CIDR block). Returns True or False.

For example: The given IP, and the CIDR will result in the output True.

IP AddressThe IP that needs to be checked as a plain string.
CIDRThe network, represented as a CIDR.

Get Epoch Time

Gets an epoch time specific or relative to a given time.

TimeCan be a specific date and hour, or a relative range.
Epoch FormatWhether to display the epoch time as seconds or milliseconds.

Convert CSV To JSON

Convert a CSV object to a JSON object.

CSV ObjectCSV object to convert to the JSON format.

Convert CSV To HTML Table

Convert a CSV object to an HTML Table.

CSV ObjectCSV object to convert to an HTML Table format.

Get Time Difference Between Timestamps

Get Time Difference, in Seconds, Between Two Different Timestamps.

Timestamp 1The first Timestamp. Can be a specific date and hour, or a relative range.
Timestamp 2The second Timestamp. Can be a specific date and hour, or a relative range.

Find Earliest Date

Returns the earliest date from a given list of dates.

Date ListA comma separated list or JSON array containing date strings.

Each date string can be in a variety of common date formats. For example:
  • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sss+hh:mm
  • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sss-hh:mm
  • Unix Timestamp
Note: Input dates that are Timezone Aware cannot be used along with Timezone Naive dates. All dates should either be in UTC format or have a clearly defined timezone.

Find Latest Date

Returns the latest date from a given list of dates.

Date ListA comma separated list or JSON array containing date strings.

Each date string can be in a variety of common date formats. For example:
  • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sss+hh:mm
  • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sss-hh:mm
  • Unix Timestamp
Note: Input dates that are Timezone Aware cannot be used along with Timezone Naive dates. All dates should either be in UTC format or have a clearly defined timezone.


Prints text to the output screen.

TextThe text to print.

Get Timezone

Gets the timezone identifier from a latitude/longitude pair or from the current workspace.

Can be used in conjunction with the Get Timezone Offset to get the amount of seconds after GMT.

Location TypeChoose how the location for the timezone should be provided.
LatitudeThe degrees latitude of the desired position to get the time for.
LongitudeThe degrees longitude of the desired position to get the time for.

Get Timezone Offset

Gets the timezone offset (in seconds) relative to GMT from a IANA timezone identifier.

Timezone IdentifierThe IANA timezone identifier, usually provided as <Country>/<City>.
If given UTC, returns the offset of UTC time (0).
Visit Wikipedia for a frequently updated list of names.
For the most updated list, visit the IANA registry and download the distribution file.

Generate Password

Generates secret password and stores it in a variable.

Variable NameThe name of the variable to store the generated password in.
Password LengthThe password length, default 10.
Include Special Chars[!-*] character set - !@#$%&*.
Include Lowercase Chars[a-z] character set - abcdedfghijklmnopqrst.
Include Uppercase Chars[A-Z] character set - ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ.
Include Digit Chars[0-9] character set - 0123456789.

Increment Variable

The Increment Variable utility action enables you to increment your variable by a value of one. You can choose the variable you would like to increment by selecting it from the dynamic dropdown menu.

Extend List

The Extend List utility action allows you to append an item to the end of your list or append a second list onto the end of your original list. You can choose the list you want to append to by clicking on the dynamic dropdown menu and selecting your preferred list.

Variable nameThe name of the original list variable
List to appendThe name of second list to append.
ValueName of the item to append to the list

The Extend List utility action enables you to:

  1. Append a variable to the end of an original list
  1. Append a second list to the end of an original list
  1. Append both a variable and a second list to the end of the original list

WhoIs Query

The WhoIs Query utility action allows you to run a whois query on domains and IP addresses.

Some WhoIs commands might take some time as the command searches across all servers to find the requested data.

In-case of a timeout we suggest to increase the Timeout in the action settings.

WhoIs QueryThe WhoIs query to run.