Create Case

Adding a Case to the Case Management Table by filling in the following parameters in the step.

Case NameThe name of the case.
StatusThe case’s status.
Case TypeThe type of case.
Case ManagerThe email address of the person who created the case.
SeverityThe severity rank of your Case. It can be: Low, Medium, High or Critical.
SLAThe duration of time within which a task pertaining to the case must be completed before the SLA time period is reached.
TagsTags linked to the case.
VendorsThe Vendor associated with the case.
OverviewA brief summary of the case.
CollaboratorsUsers who collaborate on the case.
Custom Fields (JSON Format)Add a Custom Field in JSON format. Please note that this applies only if you have manually added a custom record column to the subject table.
Advanced- Dedup TableThe selected table to evaluate the duplicated condition (Dedup Condition)against.
Advanced- Dedup ConditionThe duplicate condition to check wether to insert the record or not. When the condition is met, the record will not be inserted.
Advanced- Linked ObservablesThe Name and ID of the Observable you want to link to the Case.
Advanced- Linked AlertsThe Name and ID of the Alert you want to link to the Case.
Advanced- Linked AttachmentsThe Name and ID of the Attachment you want to link to the Case.
Advanced- Linked TasksThe Name and ID of the Tasks you want to link to the Case.
Advanced- Linked CasesThe Name and ID of a different Case you want link to the Case

Share Case


  • You can only share a Case if a user has a Blink account

  • If a Case is shared with a user who has only Viewer permissions for Case Management, but their overall user role (e.g., “Owner” with full access) allows for more permissions, they will still be able to edit the Case. In this scenario, their higher role permissions override the “Viewer” restriction on the shared Case.

Share Action1. Add Shared Users and Groups: Adds the selected users and groups to the existing list of shared users without removing any current access permissions. or 2.Overwrite shared users and groups: Replaces all previously shared users and groups with the new selection, removing access permissions for anyone not included in this update
Case IDThe ID of the Case. It can be the id or the case_id field of the Case.
Share ScopeDetermines whether a user with whom the case is shared has Viewer orEdit RBAC permissions.
Users and GroupsThe internal user or group to share the selected case with.

Unshare Case

Case IDThe ID of the Case. It can be the id or the case_id field of the Case.
Users and GroupsThe internal user or group to share the selected case with.

Append to Case Overview

This action appends a text to the overview of a Case.

Case IDThe ID of the Case. It can be the id or the case_id field of the Case
Overviewtext to append to the case overview

Append Attachment to Case Overview

This action appends an attachment to the overview of a Case.


Ensure that the attachment is an image; otherwise, it will appear as a broken file icon in the case overview.

Case IDThe ID of the Case. It can be the id or the case_id field of the Case
Attachment IDThe ID of the attachment. It needs to use the attachment field of the attachment
WidthThe width of the attachment in pixels. The height will automatically adjust to maintain the image’s proportions

Append Tags to Case

This action appends tags to your Case. The new tags are in addition to the existing case tags.

Case IDThe ID of the Case. It can be the id or the case_id field of the Case
TagsTag Options

Delete Case

Deleting a Case from the Case Management Table by filling in the case ID. The ID can be the display ID e.g. INC-00001 or the GUID of the case, obtainable from the case object.

CaseThe ID of the Case. It can be the id or the case_id field of the Case

Update Case

Updating Case in the Case Management Table by filling in the following parameters in the step. This action overwrites the existing data of the case.

Case IDThe ID of the Case. It can be the id or the case_id field of the Case
Case NameThe name of the case.
Case TypeThe type of the case.
Case ManagerThe email address of the person who created the case
SeverityThe severity rank of your Case. It can be: Low, Medium, High or Critical
SLAThe duration of time within which a task pertaining to the case must be completed before the SLA time period is reached
TagsTags linked to the case
VendorsVendors involved in the case
OverviewA brief overview of the case.
Case SummaryA brief summary of the case.
StatusThe case’s status.
CollaboratorEmail Address of people collaborating on the case with you
Custom Fields (JSON Format)Add a Custom Field in JSON format. Please note that this applies only if you have manually added a custom record column to the subject table.

Update Case Status SLA

Changing the Case Status SLA by filling in the following parameters in the step.


Use the variable picker to select either the id or the case_id of the case to be updated from a previous step or the Workflows inputs. Alternatively, you can choose a specific case directly from the dropdown menu.

Case IDThe ID of the Case. It can be the id or the case_id field of the Case
StatusThe case’s status
SLAThe time duration in Days, Hours, or Minutes.

Close Case

Changing the status of a Case to Closed by filling in the following parameters in the step.

CaseThe ID of the Case. It can be the id or the case_id field of the Case.
Close ReasonReason for closing the Case - Automatically Resolved, Completed, False Positive, Duplicate or No action needed.
Close DetailsDetails about closing the Case
Close Linked TasksClose all non-blocking tasks linked to the case

Get Case URL

Get a specific Case’s URL address.

Case IDThe ID of the Case It can be the id or the case_id field of the Case

Add Comment to Case

Add a comment to a chosen Case

Case IDThe ID of the Case. It can be the id or the case_id field of the Case
CommentThe Content of the Comment to add to the Case

Export Case

Exports the given case and its relevant data as a Zip containing:

  • PDF file containing case details (metadata and overview).
  • CSV file containing the case timeline.
  • CSV files for all related case management tables.
  • Attachment files associated with the case.


The maximum size of a file created by a step is 500 MB.

For more information, see Files Limitations and Workflow Runtime Limitations.

Case IDUse the variable picker to select either the id or the case_id of the case to be updated from a previous step or the workflow inputs.
Alternatively, you can choose a specific case directly from the dropdown menu.
File IdentifierThe identifier of the file.
This will be used as input for subsequent steps.
Please ensure the file identifier ends with .zip.

List Timeline Events

List a case’s timeline events.

Case IDUse the variable picker to select the id of the case to be updated from a previous step or the automation inputs.
Alternatively, you can choose a specific case directly from the dropdown menu.
Event TypeFilter the timeline events by specific event types. Multiple event types can be selected.
FromThe start date for filtering timeline events.
ToThe end date for filtering timeline events.
LimitLimit the number of results.
OffsetThe offset of the results.