Create Observable

Adding an Observable to a Case by filling in parameters in the step.

ObservableThe Observable ID
NameThe updated name of the Observable
Observable TypeThe type of Observable
ContentThe content value of the Observable
VerdictThe verdict type: Unknown, Benign,Suspicious, Malicious
DescriptionA brief explanation explaining the Observable
Enrichment DataThe enrichment data that provides additional information and context on the observable.
Custom Fields(JSON Format)Add a Custom Field in JSON format. Please note that this applies only if you have manually added a custom record column to the subject table.
Advanced- Dedup TableThe selected table to evaluate the duplicated condition (Dedup Condition)against.
Advanced- Dedup ConditionThe duplicate condition to check wether to insert the record or not. When the condition is met, the record will not be inserted.
Advanced- Linked ObservablesThe Name and ID of the Observable you want to link to this Observable
Advanced- Linked AlertsThe Name and ID of the Alert you want to link to this Observable.
Advanced- Linked AttachmentsThe Name and ID of the Attachment you want to link to this Observable.
Advanced- Linked TasksThe Name and ID of the Tasks you want to link to this Observable.
Advanced- Linked CasesThe Name and ID of a different Case you want link to this Observable

Delete Observable

Deleting an Observable from a Case by filling in parameters in the step.

Observable IDThe ID of the Observable: can be the id or the observable_id field of the observable

Update Observable

Updating an already existing Observable in a Case by filling in the following parameters in the step. This action overwrites all of the Observable’s data.

ObservableThe Observable ID
NameThe updated name of the Observable
Observable TypeThe type of Observable
ContentThe content value of the Observable
VerdictVerdict type Unknown, Benign,Suspicious, Malicious
DescriptionA brief explanation explaining the Observable
Enrichment DataThe enrichment data that provides additional information and context on the observable
Custom Fields(JSON Format)Add a Custom Field in JSON format. Please note that this applies only if you have manually added a custom record column to the subject table.