Create Attachment

Adding an Attachment to a Case by filling in filling in the following parameters in the step.

File IdentifierThe file identifier of the attachment. You can create a file identifier using the Download File from an URL Action
NameThe Attachment Name
Attachment TypeThe type of Attachment
DescriptionA brief explanation explaining the Attachment
Linked CasesThe Case’s ID linked to this Attachment
Custom Fields (JSON Format)Add a Custom Field in JSON format. Please note that this applies only if you have manually added a custom record column to the subject table.
Advanced- Linked ObservablesThe Name and ID of the Observable you want to link to this Attachment.
Advanced- Linked AlertsThe Name and ID of the Alert you want to link to this Attachment.
Advanced- Linked TasksThe Name and ID of the Tasks you want to link to this Attachments.
Advanced- Linked CasesThe Name and ID of a different Case you want link to this Attachment.

Download Attachment

Download an Attachment from a Case by filling in filling in the following parameters in the step.

Attachment IDThe ID of the Attachment. It can be the id or the attachment_id field of the attachment

Delete Attachment

Deleting an Attachment from a Case by filling in filling in the following parameters in the step.

Attachment IDThe ID of the Attachment. It can be the id or the attachment_id field of the attachment

Update Attachment

Updating an already existing Attachment in a Case by filling in filling in the following parameters in the step. This action overwrites all of the attachment’s data.

Attachment IDThe ID of the Attachment. It can be the id or the attachment_id field of the Attachment
NameThe updated Name of the Attachment.
Attachment TypeThe type of Attachment.
DescriptionA brief explanation explaining the Attachment.
Custom Fields (JSON Format)Add a Custom Field in JSON format. Please note that this applies only if you have manually added a custom record column to the subject table.