Supported Web Form Flow Types

The Web Form Event-Based Trigger is designed to support two distinct flow types

  1. Single Step: Creates a static and non-interactive web forms.
  2. New Interactive: Creates a web form that can be used in an interactive web form session, initiated either by a previous web form step or a Web Form Trigger.

Configure a Single Step Web Form Trigger

  1. When creating a new workflow, choose the Event-based Workflow trigger type.
    • Optional: Configure the advanced settings if needed, then click Create Workflow. This will open the Workflow Editor.

  1. In the Trigger: Event-Based section, click the “Click to select an event”.

  1. Select the Blink Web Form trigger, then choose the “Blink Web Form response” event and click Apply button to confirm.

  1. Set the Web Form Flow Type as ‘Single Step’

  1. Complete the following fields:

    • URL Link: Copy the link provided.

    • Header: Add a title for your web form.

    • Logo: (Optional) Check the box to include a custom logo and provide the image URL.

    • Description: (Optional) Add a brief description.

    • Input Fields: Select and add the required fields.

    • Button Text: Enter the text you want displayed on the form’s submit button.

  2. In Advanced Settings you can choose who can access and interact with the Web Form:

    Access Control Hierarchy:

    • Anyone in this tenant: Anyone signed into the tenant can access the form.This is the default option.
    • Anyone in this workspace: Only signed-in members of the specific workspace where the web-from was created, can access the form.
    • Anyone with link (public): Anyone with the form URL link can access and interact with it.
    • Anyone in the organization (SSO): Non-Blink user can access and interact with the form using their organization’s SSO.

  3. Check the box if you would like to include the metadata in the Web Form response.

  4. Click the Apply button to save your changes and continue building your workflow. No further web form related step is mandatory.

Configure an Interactive Web Form Trigger

  1. Follow steps 1 through 7 as outlined in the Configure a Single Step Web Form Trigger guide from the previous section. However, in step two, ensure that the Web Form Flow Type is set to ‘New interactive’.

  1. Click the Apply button to save your changes and continue building your workflow.
  • As part of the Workflow steps, configure at least one more interactive web form:

    1. Add the ‘New Web Form’ action to the step

    2. Set Web Form Flow Type as ‘Existing Interactive’

    3. To force the step wait for the web form response, select the ‘Wait for web form response’ checkbox. Alternatively, you can add a subsequent wait action to a step, to wait for the web form response.

  1. Once a web form is submitted, a default ‘processing’ status is displayed to indicate that the input is being handled. If the workflow includes additional forms, the next form in the sequence will be shown. Upon submission of the final form, a default success or failure message is displayed based on the outcome of the workflow’s response processing.

    You can customize the status response. Visit the “Set Interactive Web Form Status” Section to learn how.

Testing Web Form Trigger

In the following use case example , we are testing a Web Form Trigger with a single step web form flow type.

  1. To test your newly created Web Form Event-Based Trigger, click the “Test Parameters” button.

  2. A popup window will appear. Click the “Test Web Form” button in the bottom-left corner.

  3. A new browser tab will open, displaying the Web Form you just created. Fill out the form and click Submit.

  4. Return to the Test Parameters popup, where you can review the information you entered in the form.