This operation can be called from any account in the organization.

Even if a policy type is shown as available in the organization, you can disable it separately at the root level with DisablePolicyType. Use ListRoots to see the status of policy types for a specified root.

To learn more, visit the AWS documentation.

Basic Parameters

AWS Region(s)Enter the desired AWS Region(s).To execute the action in multiple regions, provide a comma-separated list.For example: us-east-1,eu-west-2.If you wish to run the action in all available regions, use the asterisk symbol (*) instead.

Advanced Parameters

Disable XML To JSON Auto ConvertWhen checked, XML responses are not automatically converted into JSON format.

Example Output

{    "Organization": {        "Arn": "arn:aws:organizations::111111111111:organization/o-exampleorgid",        "AvailablePolicyTypes": [            {                "Status": "ENABLED",                "Type": "SERVICE_CONTROL_POLICY"            }        ],        "FeatureSet": "ALL",        "Id": "o-exampleorgid",        "MasterAccountArn": "arn:aws:organizations::111111111111:account/o-exampleorgid/111111111111",        "MasterAccountEmail": ""    }}

Workflow Library Example

Organizations Describe Organization with Aws and Send Results Via Email

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