To learn more, visit the AWS documentation.

Basic Parameters

AWS Region(s)Enter the desired AWS Region(s).To execute the action in multiple regions, provide a comma-separated list.For example: us-east-1,eu-west-2.If you wish to run the action in all available regions, use the asterisk symbol (*) instead.
First Snapshot IDThe ID of the first snapshot to use for the comparison.Note: the FirstSnapshotID parameter must be specified with a SecondSnapshotId parameter; otherwise, an error occurs.
Second Snapshot IDThe ID of the second snapshot to use for the comparison.Note: the SecondSnapshotId parameter must be specified with a FirstSnapshotID parameter; otherwise, an error occurs.

Advanced Parameters

Disable XML To JSON Auto ConvertWhen checked, XML responses are not automatically converted into JSON format.
Max ResultsPagination limit.
Next TokenPagination token.
Starting Block IndexThe block index from which the comparison should start.The list in the response will start from this block index or the next valid block index in the snapshots.

Example Output

{    "BlockSize": 0,    "ChangedBlocks": [        {            "BlockIndex": 0,            "FirstBlockToken": "^[A-Za-z0-9+/=]+$",            "SecondBlockToken": "^[A-Za-z0-9+/=]+$"        }    ],    "ExpiryTime": "date-time",    "NextToken": "^[A-Za-z0-9+/=]+$",    "VolumeSize": 0}

Workflow Library Example

Ebs List Changed Blocks with Aws and Send Results Via Email

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