EC2 Describe Images
Describes the specified images (AMIs, AKIs, and ARIs) available to you or all of the images available to you.
The images available to you include public images, private images that you own, and private images owned by other Amazon Web Services accounts for which you have explicit launch permissions.
Recently deregistered images appear in the returned results for a short interval and then return empty results. After all instances that reference a deregistered AMI are terminated, specifying the ID of the image will eventually return an error indicating that the AMI ID cannot be found.
External Documentation
To learn more, visit the AWS documentation.
Basic Parameters
Parameter | Description |
AWS Region(s) | Enter the desired AWS Region(s).To execute the action in multiple regions, provide a comma-separated list.For example: us-east-1,eu-west-2 .If you wish to run the action in all available regions, use the asterisk symbol (* ) instead. |
Executable Users | Scopes the images by users with explicit launch permissions. Specify an Amazon Web Services account ID, self (the sender of the request), or all (public AMIs). |
Filters | The filters.
Image IDs | The image IDs.Default: Describes all images available to you. |
Include Deprecated | If true , all deprecated AMIs are included in the response. If false , no deprecated AMIs are included in the response. If no value is specified, the default value is false .If you are the AMI owner, all deprecated AMIs appear in the response regardless of the value ( true or false ) that you set for this parameter. |
Owners | Scopes the results to images with the specified owners. You can specify a combination of Amazon Web Services account IDs, self , amazon , and aws-marketplace . If you omit this parameter, the results include all images for which you have launch permissions, regardless of ownership. |
Advanced Parameters
Parameter | Description |
Disable XML To JSON Auto Convert | When checked, XML responses are not automatically converted into JSON format. |
Dry Run | Checks whether you have the required permissions for the action, without actually making the request, and provides an error response. If you have the required permissions, the error response is DryRunOperation . Otherwise, it is UnauthorizedOperation . |
Example Output
"Images": [
"Architecture": "x86_64",
"BlockDeviceMappings": [
"DeviceName": "/dev/sda1",
"Ebs": {
"DeleteOnTermination": true,
"SnapshotId": "snap-1234567890abcdef0",
"VolumeSize": 8,
"VolumeType": "standard"
"Description": "An AMI for my server",
"Hypervisor": "xen",
"ImageId": "ami-5731123e",
"ImageLocation": "123456789012/My server",
"ImageType": "machine",
"KernelId": "aki-88aa75e1",
"Name": "My server",
"OwnerId": "123456789012",
"Public": false,
"RootDeviceName": "/dev/sda1",
"RootDeviceType": "ebs",
"State": "available",
"VirtualizationType": "paravirtual"
Workflow Library Example
Ec2 Describe Images with Aws and Send Results Via Email
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