Basic Parameters

AWS Region(s)Enter the desired AWS Region(s).To execute the action in multiple regions, provide a comma-separated list.For example: us-east-1,eu-west-2.If you wish to run the action in all available regions, use the asterisk symbol (*) instead.
Load Balancer NamesThe names of the load balancers.
MarkerThe marker for the next set of results. (You received this marker from a previous call.).
Page SizeThe maximum number of results to return with this call (a number from 1 to 400). The default is 400.

Advanced Parameters

Disable XML To JSON Auto ConvertWhen checked, XML responses are not automatically converted into JSON format.

Example Output

{    "LoadBalancerDescriptions": [        {            "AvailabilityZones": [                "us-west-2a"            ],            "BackendServerDescriptions": [                {                    "InstancePort": 80,                    "PolicyNames": [                        "my-ProxyProtocol-policy"                    ]                }            ],            "CanonicalHostedZoneName": "",            "CanonicalHostedZoneNameID": "Z3DZXE0EXAMPLE",            "CreatedTime": "2015-03-19T03:24:02.650Z",            "DNSName": "",            "HealthCheck": {                "HealthyThreshold": 2,                "Interval": 30,                "Target": "HTTP:80/png",                "Timeout": 3,                "UnhealthyThreshold": 2            },            "Instances": [                {                    "InstanceId": "i-207d9717"                },                {                    "InstanceId": "i-afefb49b"                }            ],            "ListenerDescriptions": [                {                    "Listener": {                        "InstancePort": 80,                        "InstanceProtocol": "HTTP",                        "LoadBalancerPort": 80,                        "Protocol": "HTTP"                    },                    "PolicyNames": []                },                {                    "Listener": {                        "InstancePort": 443,                        "InstanceProtocol": "HTTPS",                        "LoadBalancerPort": 443,                        "Protocol": "HTTPS",                        "SSLCertificateId": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:server-certificate/my-server-cert"                    },                    "PolicyNames": [                        "ELBSecurityPolicy-2015-03"                    ]                }            ],            "LoadBalancerName": "my-load-balancer",            "Policies": {                "AppCookieStickinessPolicies": [],                "LBCookieStickinessPolicies": [                    {                        "CookieExpirationPeriod": 60,                        "PolicyName": "my-duration-cookie-policy"                    }                ],                "OtherPolicies": [                    "my-PublicKey-policy",                    "my-authentication-policy",                    "my-SSLNegotiation-policy",                    "my-ProxyProtocol-policy",                    "ELBSecurityPolicy-2015-03"                ]            },            "Scheme": "internet-facing",            "SecurityGroups": [                "sg-a61988c3"            ],            "SourceSecurityGroup": {                "GroupName": "my-elb-sg",                "OwnerAlias": "123456789012"            },            "Subnets": [                "subnet-15aaab61"            ],            "VPCId": "vpc-a01106c2"        }    ]}

Workflow Library Example

Elb Describe Load Balancers with Aws and Send Results Via Email

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