Create a new, unassigned ticket.

External Documentation

To learn more, visit the Zendesk documentation.

Basic Parameters

AssigneeThe assignee of the ticket.
BodyContent of the ticket.
Group IDThe assignee group of the ticket.
PriorityThe urgency of the ticket. Allowed values are urgent, high, normal, low or the values defined in your account.
RequesterThe requester of the ticket.
SubjectA title for the ticket.
Ticket TypeThe type of the ticket.

Advanced Parameters

Custom FieldsCustom fields of the ticket to add.
TagsThe tags of the ticket.

Example Output

	"ticket": {
		"url": "",
		"id": 34,
		"external_id": null,
		"via": {
			"channel": "api",
			"source": {
				"from": {},
				"to": {},
				"rel": null
		"created_at": "2024-07-04T06:18:53Z",
		"updated_at": "2024-07-04T06:18:53Z",
		"generated_timestamp": 0,
		"type": "incident",
		"subject": "ticket name",
		"raw_subject": "ticket name",
		"description": "ticket description",
		"priority": null,
		"status": "open",
		"recipient": null,
		"requester_id": 19941392906909,
		"submitter_id": 19941392906909,
		"assignee_id": 19941392906909,
		"organization_id": 19941416889373,
		"group_id": 19941426321181,
		"collaborator_ids": [],
		"follower_ids": [],
		"email_cc_ids": [],
		"forum_topic_id": null,
		"problem_id": null,
		"has_incidents": false,
		"is_public": true,
		"due_at": null,
		"tags": [
		"custom_fields": [
				"id": 19941396964765,
				"value": null
		"satisfaction_rating": null,
		"sharing_agreement_ids": [],
		"custom_status_id": 19941426304285,
		"fields": [
				"id": 19941396964765,
				"value": null
		"followup_ids": [],
		"ticket_form_id": 19941416743453,
		"brand_id": 19941416847901,
		"allow_channelback": false,
		"allow_attachments": true,
		"from_messaging_channel": false

Workflow Library Example

Create Ticket with Zendesk and Send Results Via Email

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