A team is a collection of Users and Escalation Policies that represent a group of people within an organization.

For more information see the API Concepts Document.

To learn more, visit the PagerDuty documentation.

Basic Parameters

IncludeArray of additional Models to include in response.
Team IDThe ID of team to get it’s members.

Advanced Parameters

LimitThe number of results per page.
OffsetOffset to start pagination search results.
TotalBy default the total field in pagination responses is set to null to provide the fastest possible response times. Set total to true for this field to be populated. See our Pagination Docs for more information.

Example Output

{    "summary": "Response Example",    "value": {        "limit": 100,        "members": [            {                "role": "manager",                "user": {                    "html_url": "https://subdomain.pagerduty.com/users/P0XJYI9",                    "id": "P0XJYI9",                    "self": "https://api.pagerduty.com/users/P0XJYI9",                    "summary": "Jane Doe",                    "type": "user_reference"                }            }        ],        "more": false,        "offset": 0,        "total": null    }}

Workflow Library Example

List Members of a Team with Pagerduty and Send Results Via Email

Preview this Workflow on desktop