A team is a collection of Users and Escalation Policies that represent a group of people within an organization.

For more information see the API Concepts Document.

To learn more, visit the PagerDuty documentation.


Team DescriptionThe description of the team.
Team NameThe name of the team.
Team SummaryA short-form, server-generated string that provides succinct, important information about an object suitable for primary labeling of an entity in a client. In many cases, this will be identical to name, though it is not intended to be an identifier.

Example Output

{    "summary": "Response Example",    "value": {        "team": {            "base_role": "observer",            "description": "All engineering",            "html_url": "https://subdomain.pagerduty.com/teams/PQ9K7I8",            "id": "PQ9K7I8",            "name": "Engineering",            "self": "https://api.pagerduty.com/teams/PQ9K7I8",            "summary": "Engineering",            "type": "team"        }    }}

Workflow Library Example

Create Team with Pagerduty and Send Results Via Email

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