An incident represents a problem or an issue that needs to be addressed and resolved.

For more information see the .

Basic Parameters

Alert KeyAlert de-duplication key.
IDID of the incident.
IncludeArray of additional details to include.
Sort ByUsed to specify both the field you wish to sort the results on (createdat/resolvedat), as well as the direction (asc/desc) of the results. The sort_by field and direction should be separated by a colon. A maximum of two fields can be included, separated by a comma. Sort direction defaults to ascending.
StatusesReturn only alerts with the given statuses. (More status codes may be introduced in the future.).

Advanced Parameters

LimitThe number of results per page.
OffsetOffset to start pagination search results.
TotalBy default the total field in pagination responses is set to null to provide the fastest possible response times. Set total to true for this field to be populated. See our Pagination Docs for more information.

Example Output

{    "summary": "Response Example",    "value": {        "alerts": [            {                "alert_key": "baf7cf21b1da41b4b0221008339ff357",                "body": {                    "contexts": [                        {                            "type": "link"                        }                    ],                    "details": {                        "customKey": "Server is on fire!",                        "customKey2": "Other stuff!"                    },                    "type": "alert_body"                },                "created_at": "2015-10-06T21:30:42Z",                "html_url": "",                "id": "PT4KHLK",                "incident": {                    "id": "PT4KHLK",                    "type": "incident_reference"                },                "integration": {                    "html_url": "",                    "id": "PQ12345",                    "self": "",                    "summary": "Email Integration",                    "type": "generic_email_inbound_integration_reference"                },                "self": "",                "service": {                    "html_url": "",                    "id": "PIJ90N7",                    "self": "",                    "summary": "My Mail Service",                    "type": "service_reference"                },                "severity": "critical",                "status": "resolved",                "summary": "The server is on fire.",                "suppressed": false,                "type": "alert"            }        ],        "limit": 1,        "more": true,        "offset": 0    }}

Workflow Library Example

List Alerts with Pagerduty and Send Results Via Email

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