Create a new service.

If status is included in the request, it must have a value of active when creating a new service. If a different status is required, make a second request to update the service.

A service may represent an application, component, or team you wish to open incidents against.

For more information see the .


Escalation Policy IDThe ID of the Escalation Policy for all policies see listEscalationPolicies.
Service Alert CreationWhether a service creates only incidents, or both alerts and incidents. A service must create alerts in order to enable incident merging.* “create_incidents” - The service will create one incident and zero alerts for each incoming event.* “create_alerts_and_incidents” - The service will create one incident and one associated alert for each incoming event.
Service DescriptionThe user-provided description of the service.
Service IntegrationsAn array containing Integration objects that belong to this service. If integrations is passed as an argument, these are full objects - otherwise, these are references.
Service NameThe name of the service.

Example Output

	"summary": "Response Example",
	"value": {
		"service": {
			"acknowledgement_timeout": 600,
			"alert_creation": "create_alerts_and_incidents",
			"auto_resolve_timeout": 14400,
			"created_at": "2015-11-06T11:12:51-05:00",
			"escalation_policy": {
				"html_url": "",
				"id": "PT20YPA",
				"self": "",
				"summary": "Another Escalation Policy",
				"type": "escalation_policy_reference"
			"html_url": "",
			"id": "PIJ90N7",
			"incident_urgency_rule": {
				"during_support_hours": {
					"type": "constant",
					"urgency": "high"
				"outside_support_hours": {
					"type": "constant",
					"urgency": "low"
				"type": "use_support_hours"
			"integrations": [
					"html_url": "",
					"id": "PQ12345",
					"self": "",
					"summary": "Email Integration",
					"type": "generic_email_inbound_integration_reference"
			"name": "My Application Service",
			"scheduled_actions": [
					"at": {
						"name": "support_hours_start",
						"type": "named_time"
					"to_urgency": "high",
					"type": "urgency_change"
			"self": "",
			"status": "active",
			"summary": "My Application Service",
			"support_hours": {
				"days_of_week": [
				"end_time": "17:00:00",
				"start_time": "09:00:00",
				"time_zone": "America/Lima",
				"type": "fixed_time_per_day"
			"teams": [
					"html_url": "",
					"id": "PQ9K7I8",
					"self": "",
					"summary": "Engineering",
					"type": "team_reference"
			"type": "service"

Workflow Library Example

Create Service with Pagerduty and Send Results Via Email

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