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List Logs

List log entries for the specified incident.

An incident represents a problem or an issue that needs to be addressed and resolved.

A Log Entry are a record of all events on your account.

For more information see the API Concepts Document.

Basic Parameters

IDID of the incident.
IncludeArray of additional Models to include in response.
Is OverviewIf true, will return a subset of log entries that show only the most important changes to the incident.
SinceThe start of the date range over which you want to search.
Time ZoneTime zone in which dates in the result will be rendered.
UntilThe end of the date range over which you want to search.

Advanced Parameters

LimitThe number of results per page.
OffsetOffset to start pagination search results.
TotalBy default the total field in pagination responses is set to null to provide the fastest possible response times. Set total to true for this field to be populated. See our Pagination Docs for more information.

Example Output

"summary": "Response Example",
"value": {
"log_entries": [
"agent": {
"html_url": "",
"id": "PIJ90N7",
"self": "",
"summary": "My Mail Service",
"type": "service_reference"
"channel": {
"type": "api"
"contexts": [],
"created_at": "2015-11-07T00:14:20Z",
"event_details": {
"description": "Tasks::SFDCValidator - PD_Data__c - duplicates"
"html_url": "",
"incident": {
"html_url": "",
"id": "PT4KHLK",
"self": "",
"summary": "[#1234] The server is on fire.",
"type": "incident_reference"
"self": "",
"summary": "Triggered through the API",
"teams": [
"html_url": "",
"id": "PQ9K7I8",
"self": "",
"summary": "Engineering",
"type": "team_reference"
"type": "trigger_log_entry"

Workflow Library Example

List Logs with Pagerduty and Send Results Via Email

Workflow LibraryPreview this Workflow on desktop