To learn more, visit the Datadog documentation.

Basic Parameters

Customer ImpactedA flag indicating whether the incident caused customer impact.
FieldsA condensed view of the user-defined fields for which to create initial selections.
Incident IDThe UUID of the incident.
TitleThe title of the incident, which summarizes what happened.

Advanced Parameters

DetectedTimestamp when the incident was detected.
Impact EndTimestamp when customers were no longer impacted by the incident.
Impact ScopeA summary of the impact customers experienced during the incident.
Impact StartTimestamp when customers began being impacted by the incident.
Leader User IDA unique identifier that represents the user.
ResolvedUnix timestamp when the incident’s state was set to resolved.

Example Output

{    "data": {        "type": "incidents",        "id": "ddec781d-64c6-5ef8-b358-8acde8d27ab6",        "attributes": {            "public_id": 976,            "title": "new demo title",            "resolved": null,            "customer_impact_scope": null,            "customer_impact_start": null,            "customer_impact_end": null,            "customer_impacted": false,            "notification_handles": null,            "last_modified_by": {                "data": {                    "type": "users",                    "id": "552e524b-4c66-11ec-a4ee-da7ad0900002",                    "attributes": {                        "uuid": "552e524b-4c66-11ec-a4ee-da7ad0900002",                        "handle": "",                        "email": "",                        "name": "User",                        "icon": ""                    }                }            },            "last_modified_by_uuid": "552e524b-4c66-11ec-a4ee-da7ad0900002",            "created": "2022-12-13T16:50:45.935880+00:00",            "modified": "2022-12-13T16:50:47.006017+00:00",            "commander": null,            "detected": "2022-12-13T16:50:45.925060+00:00",            "created_by": {                "data": {                    "type": "users",                    "id": "552e524b-4c66-11ec-a4ee-da7ad0900002",                    "attributes": {                        "uuid": "552e524b-4c66-11ec-a4ee-da7ad0900002",                        "handle": "",                        "email": "",                        "name": "User",                        "icon": ""                    }                }            },            "created_by_uuid": "552e524b-4c66-11ec-a4ee-da7ad0900002",            "creation_idempotency_key": null,            "customer_impact_duration": 0,            "time_to_detect": 0,            "time_to_repair": 0,            "time_to_internal_response": 0,            "time_to_resolve": 0,            "fields": {                "severity": {                    "type": "dropdown",                    "value": "UNKNOWN"                },                "detection_method": {                    "type": "dropdown",                    "value": "unknown"                },                "root_cause": {                    "type": "textbox",                    "value": null                },                "summary": {                    "type": "textbox",                    "value": null                },                "state": {                    "type": "dropdown",                    "value": "active"                },                "services": {                    "type": "autocomplete",                    "value": null                },                "teams": {                    "type": "autocomplete",                    "value": null                }            },            "field_analytics": null,            "severity": "UNKNOWN",            "state": "active",            "non_datadog_creator": null,            "visibility": "organization"        },        "relationships": {            "created_by_user": {                "data": {                    "type": "users",                    "id": "552e524b-4c66-11ec-a4ee-da7ad0900002"                }            },            "last_modified_by_user": {                "data": {                    "type": "users",                    "id": "552e524b-4c66-11ec-a4ee-da7ad0900002"                }            },            "commander_user": {                "data": null            },            "user_defined_fields": {                "data": [                    {                        "type": "user_defined_field",                        "id": "984f0f14-925c-5a0a-854b-0c20338f48e8"                    }                ]            },            "integrations": {                "data": []            },            "attachments": {                "data": [                    {                        "type": "incident_attachments",                        "id": "9041ab3f-ed3e-5995-82b5-9b8d3e55c47a"                    }                ]            },            "responders": {                "data": [                    {                        "type": "incident_responders",                        "id": "e4477528-b659-58ff-9fb5-ab4455dc3b3e"                    }                ]            },            "impacts": {                "data": []            }        }    }}

Workflow Library Example

Rollback Kubernetes Deployment and Resolve Datadog Incident

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