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List Logs

Returns logs that match a log search query.

Use this action to build complex logs filtering and search.

This action may not work if your Datadog workspace does not have logs enabled.


This action does not support OAuth connections.

External Documentation

To learn more, visit the Datadog documentation.

Basic Parameters

IndexesFor customers with multiple indexes, the indexes to search. Defaults to ['*'] which means all indexes.
LimitMaximum number of logs in the response.
QueryThe search query - following the log search syntax.

Advanced Parameters

FromThe minimum time for the requested logs, supports date math and regular timestamps.
TimezoneThe timezone can be specified both as an offset, for example: "UTC+03:00".
ToThe maximum time for the requested logs, supports date math and regular timestamps.

Example Output

"data": [
"attributes": {
"attributes": {
"customAttribute": 123,
"duration": 2345
"host": "i-0123",
"message": "Host connected to remote",
"service": "agent",
"status": "INFO",
"tags": [
"timestamp": "2019-01-02T09:42:36.32Z"
"type": "log"
"attributes": {
"attributes": {
"customAttribute": 123,
"duration": 2345
"host": "i-0123",
"message": "Host connected to remote",
"service": "agent",
"status": "INFO",
"tags": [
"timestamp": "2019-01-02T09:42:36.32Z"
"type": "log"
"links": {
"next": "[query]=foo\u0026page[cursor]=eyJzdGFydEF0IjoiQVFBQUFYS2tMS3pPbm40NGV3QUFBQUJCV0V0clRFdDZVbG8zY3pCRmNsbHJiVmxDWlEifQ=="
"meta": {
"elapsed": 132,
"page": {
"after": "eyJzdGFydEF0IjoiQVFBQUFYS2tMS3pPbm40NGV3QUFBQUJCV0V0clRFdDZVbG8zY3pCRmNsbHJiVmxDWlEifQ=="
"status": "done",
"warnings": [
"code": "unknown_index",
"detail": "indexes: foo, bar",
"title": "One or several indexes are missing or invalid, results hold data from the other indexes"
"code": "unknown_index",
"detail": "indexes: foo, bar",
"title": "One or several indexes are missing or invalid, results hold data from the other indexes"

Workflow Library Example

List Logs with Datadog and Send Results Via Email

Workflow LibraryPreview this Workflow on desktop