To learn more, visit the Datadog documentation.

Basic Parameters

PagePage to start paginating from.
Per PageNumber of monitors to return per page.
QueryAfter entering a search query in your Manage Monitor page use the query parameter value in theURL of the page as value for this parameter.The query can contain any number of space-separated monitor attributes, for instance query="type:metric status:alert".

Advanced Parameters

SortString for sort order, composed of field and sort order separate by a comma, e.g. name,asc. Supported sort directions: asc, desc. Supported fields:- name
  • status
  • tags. |

Example Output

{    "counts": {        "muted": [            {                "count": 3,                "name": false            },            {                "count": 3,                "name": true            }        ],        "status": [            {                "count": 4,                "name": "No Data"            },            {                "count": 2,                "name": "OK"            }        ],        "tag": [            {                "count": 6,                "name": "service:cassandra"            }        ],        "type": [            {                "count": 6,                "name": "metric"            }        ]    },    "metadata": {        "page": 0,        "page_count": 6,        "per_page": 30,        "total_count": 6    },    "monitors": [        {            "classification": "metric",            "creator": {                "handle": "",                "name": "John Doe"            },            "id": 2699850,            "last_triggered_ts": null,            "metrics": [                "system.cpu.user"            ],            "name": "Cassandra CPU is high on {{}} in {{}}",            "notifications": [                {                    "handle": "",                    "name": "Jane Doe"                }            ],            "org_id": 1234,            "scopes": [                "!availability-zone:us-east-1c",                "name:cassandra"            ],            "status": "No Data",            "tags": [                "service:cassandra"            ],            "type": "metric alert"        }    ]}

Workflow Library Example

Search Monitors with Datadog and Send Results Via Email

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