To learn more, visit the Datadog documentation.


FromStart of the queried time period, seconds since the Unix epoch.
QueryQuery string. Must end with {*}.
ToEnd of the queried time period, seconds since the Unix epoch.

Example Output

{    "error": "error",    "from_date": 0,    "group_by": [        "group_by",        "group_by"    ],    "message": "message",    "query": "query",    "res_type": "time_series",    "series": [        {            "aggr": "avg",            "display_name": "system.cpu.idle",            "end": 6,            "expression": "system.cpu.idle{host:foo,env:test}",            "interval": 1,            "length": 5,            "metric": "system.cpu.idle",            "pointlist": [                [                    1575317847,                    0.5                ],                [                    1575317847,                    0.5                ]            ],            "query_index": 5,            "scope": "host:foo,env:test",            "start": 2,            "tag_set": [                "tag_set",                "tag_set"            ],            "unit": [                {                    "family": "time",                    "name": "minute",                    "plural": "minutes",                    "scale_factor": 60,                    "short_name": "min"                },                {                    "family": "time",                    "name": "minute",                    "plural": "minutes",                    "scale_factor": 60,                    "short_name": "min"                }            ]        },        {            "aggr": "avg",            "display_name": "system.cpu.idle",            "end": 6,            "expression": "system.cpu.idle{host:foo,env:test}",            "interval": 1,            "length": 5,            "metric": "system.cpu.idle",            "pointlist": [                [                    1575317847,                    0.5                ],                [                    1575317847,                    0.5                ]            ],            "query_index": 5,            "scope": "host:foo,env:test",            "start": 2,            "tag_set": [                "tag_set",                "tag_set"            ],            "unit": [                {                    "family": "time",                    "name": "minute",                    "plural": "minutes",                    "scale_factor": 60,                    "short_name": "min"                },                {                    "family": "time",                    "name": "minute",                    "plural": "minutes",                    "scale_factor": 60,                    "short_name": "min"                }            ]        }    ],    "status": "ok",    "to_date": 7}

Workflow Library Example

Query Metrics with Datadog and Send Results Via Email

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