This endpoint allows you to post events to the stream. Tag them, set priority and event aggregate them with other events.

This action does not support OAuth connections.

External Documentation

To learn more, visit the Datadog documentation.

Basic Parameters

Alert TypeIf an alert event is enabled, set its type.For example, error, warning, info, success, user_update,recommendation, and snapshot.
Date HappenedPOSIX timestamp of the event. Must be sent as an integer (i.e. no quotes).Limited to events no older than 7 days.
PriorityThe priority of the event. For example, normal or low.
TextThe body of the event. Limited to 4000 characters. The text supports markdown.To use markdown in the event text, start the text block with %%% \n and end the text block with \n %%%.Use msg_text with the Datadog Ruby library.
TitleThe event title. Limited to 100 characters. Use msg_title with the Datadog Ruby library.

Advanced Parameters

Aggregation KeyAn arbitrary string to use for aggregation. Limited to 100 characters.If you specify a key, all events using that key are grouped together in the Event Stream.
Device NameA device name.
HostHost name to associate with the event.Any tags associated with the host are also applied to this event.
IDInteger ID of the event.
PayloadPayload of the event.
Related Event IDID of the parent event. Must be sent as an integer (i.e. no quotes).
Source Type NameThe type of event being posted. Option examples include nagios, hudson, jenkins, my_apps, chef, puppet, git, bitbucket, etc.A complete list of source attribute values available here.
TagsA list of tags to apply to the event.
URLURL of the event.

Example Output

	"alert_type": "info",
	"date_happened": 0,
	"device_name": "device_name",
	"host": "host",
	"id": 6,
	"payload": "{}",
	"priority": "normal",
	"related_event_id": 1,
	"source_type_name": "source_type_name",
	"status": "status",
	"tags": [
	"text": "Oh boy!",
	"title": "Did you hear the news today?",
	"url": "url"

Workflow Library Example

Create Event with Datadog and Send Results Via Email

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