To learn more, visit the CrowdStrike documentation.

Basic Parameters

FilterFilter the results by a FQL query.

Advanced Parameters

LimitThe maximum records to return. Valid range is 0 - 5000.
OffsetStarting index of the overall result set.
ParametersA JSON object describing the full query string parameters.
SortThe property to sort the results on, followed by the sort direction. For example: string.asc or string.desc.

Example Output

{    "csfalconx": {        "resource": {            "resources": [                "20879a8064904ecfbb62c118a6a19411_5d620c1322444253ad2be284de3756fa",                "20879a8064904ecfbb62c118a6a19411_a35034fa31074e609d9f6b971b78e49c",                "20879a8064904ecfbb62c118a6a19411_944bce16178742c58beccd0e6eb1a000",                "20879a8064904ecfbb62c118a6a19411_70a75d10dbc74cfdaeeba2661bc96f05",                "20879a8064904ecfbb62c118a6a19411_f6552785fd2d4219bbca4f2bcda8db0f"            ]        }    }}

Workflow Library Example

Query Submitted Samples with Crowdstrike and Send Results Via Email

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