Basic Parameters

Action NameSpecify one of these actions:- contain - This action contains the host, which stops any network communications to locations other than the CrowdStrike cloud and IPs specified in your Containment Policy.
  • lift_containment - This action lifts containment on the host, which returns its network communications to normal.
  • hide_host - This action will delete a host. After the host is deleted, no new detections for that host will be reported via UI or APIs.
  • unhide_host - This action will restore a host. Detection reporting will resume after the host is restored. | | Host IDs | A comma-separated list of host IDs to perform the action on. Can be obtained via the List Devices action. |

Advanced Parameters

Action ParametersA comma-separated list of the parameters for the prospective action.Example value: {“name”: “name1”, “value”: “value1”}, {“name”: “name2”, “value”: “value2”}

Example Output

{  "meta": {    "query_time": 0.0000000001,    "powered_by": "device-api",    "trace_id": ""0000000-00000-0000-0000-000000000000""  },  "resources": [    {      "id": "00000000001111112222233334444",      "path": "/path/to/device"    }  ],  "errors": []}

Workflow Library Example

Isolate or Unisolate Device on Crowdstrike

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