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List Parent Rule Groups

Find all rule groups matching the query with optional filter.


FilterFQL query specifying the filter parameters. Filter term criteria: [enabled platform name description rules.actionlabel rules.description rules.patternseverity rules.ruletypename rules.enabled]. Filter range criteria: createdon, modified_on; use any common date format, such as '2010-05-15T14:55:21.892315096Z'.
QueryMatch query criteria, which includes all the filter string fields.

Example Output

"errors": [
"code": 0,
"id": "string",
"message": "string"
"meta": {
"pagination": {
"limit": 0,
"offset": 0,
"total": 0
"powered_by": "string",
"query_time": 0,
"trace_id": "string",
"writes": {
"resources_affected": 0
"resources": [

Workflow Library Example

List Parent Rule Groups with Crowdstrike and Send Results Via Email

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