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List Alerts

Gets a list of Alert IDs.

External Documentation

To learn more, visit the CrowdStrike documentation.

Basic Parameters

FilterFilter the results based on FQL queries guidelines.Usage examples:
  • Return only Endpoint Protection alert IDs: product:'epp'
  • Return only Identity Protection alert IDs: product:'idp'
  • Return only Falcon for Mobile alert IDs: product:'mobile'
  • Return only Falcon XDR IDs: product:'xdr'
  • Return only OverWatch alert IDs: product:'overwatch'
  • Return only Cloud Workload Protection alert IDs: product:'cwpp'
Include HiddenDetermines whether hidden alerts will be included in the results.
QuerySearch all alert metadata for the provided string.

Advanced Parameters

LimitThe maximum number of records to return. [1-5000]. Default value: 100.
OffsetThe zero-based position of the first record to return. Default value: 0.
SortSort the results based on a field.The format of the sort criteria is: field|direction. Direction can be either asc (ascending) or desc (descending) order.For example: status|asc.

Example Output

"meta": {
"query_time": 0.044395707,
"pagination": {
"offset": 0,
"limit": 5,
"total": 10000
"writes": {
"resources_affected": 0
"powered_by": "detectsapi",
"trace_id": "f755297a-e287-4012-b5e3-ff88691e95e9"
"resources": [
"errors": []

Workflow Library Example

List Alerts with Crowdstrike and Send Results Via Email

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