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List Report Executions

Find all report execution IDs matching the query with filter.

Basic Parameters

FilterFQL query specifying the filter parameters. Filter term criteria: type, scheduled_report_id, status. Filter range criteria: created_on, last_updated_on, expiration_on; use any common date format, such as '2010-05-15T14:55:21.892315096Z'.
QueryMatch query criteria, which includes all the filter string fields.

Advanced Parameters

LimitNumber of ids to return.
OffsetStarting index of overall result set from which to return ids.
SortPossible order by fields: created_on, last_updated_on.

Example Output

"errors": [
"code": 0,
"id": "string",
"message": "string"
"meta": {
"pagination": {
"limit": 0,
"offset": 0,
"total": 0
"powered_by": "string",
"query_time": 0,
"trace_id": "string",
"writes": {
"resources_affected": 0
"resources": [

Workflow Library Example

List Report Executions with Crowdstrike and Send Results Via Email

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