
Vulnerability IDsA comma-separated list of vulnerability IDs. Can be obtained via the Search Vulnerabilities

Example Output

{    "meta": {        "query_time": 0.003279305,        "powered_by": "spapi",        "trace_id": "5ea98b6c-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-9e0f11103eb4"    },    "resources": [        {            "id": "ca4944397d82410b8f8xxxxxxxxxx_de93270830eadc97b9e1796734af034c",            "cid": "5ddbxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx75f17979a1f",            "aid": "b1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx8e09e9265a599",            "vulnerability_id": "CVE-2017-8570",            "vulnerability_metadata_id": "CS-V17-0757999",            "data_providers": [                {                    "provider": "CrowdStrike Spotlight"                }            ],            "created_timestamp": "2023-07-11T16:17:06Z",            "updated_timestamp": "2023-08-03T17:39:49Z",            "status": "open",            "apps": [                {                    "product_name_version": "Office 2013",                    "sub_status": "open",                    "remediation": {                        "ids": [                            "46147e49f3b636c5978b3134c822a11d"                        ]                    },                    "evaluation_logic": {                        "id": "04eb0c6612593b35b8f1ee437c9bae64"                    }                }            ],            "suppression_info": {                "is_suppressed": false            },            "app": {                "product_name_version": "Office 2013"            },            "cve": {                "id": "CVE-2017-8570",                "base_score": 7.8,                "severity": "HIGH",                "exploit_status": 90,                "exprt_rating": "CRITICAL",                "remediation_level": "O",                "cisa_info": {                    "is_cisa_kev": true,                    "due_date": "2022-08-25T00:00:00Z"                },                "spotlight_published_date": "2021-05-10T17:08:00Z",                "actors": [                    "COBALT SPIDER",                    "GALACTIC OCELOT",                    "GOBLIN PANDA",                    "OCEAN BUFFALO",                    "VENOM SPIDER"                ],                "description": "Microsoft Office allows a remote code execution vulnerability due to the way that it handles objects in memory, aka \"Microsoft Office Remote Code Execution Vulnerability\". This CVE ID is unique from CVE-2017-0243.\n",                "published_date": "2017-07-11T07:00:00Z",                "vendor_advisory": [                    "",                    ""                ],                "references": [                    "",                    "",                    "",                    ""                ],                "exploitability_score": 1.8,                "impact_score": 5.9,                "vector": "CVSS:3.0/AV:L/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H"            },            "host_info": {                "hostname": "BIG-BLUE-MACHINE",                "local_ip": "",                "machine_domain": "",                "os_version": "Windows 10",                "ou": "",                "site_name": "",                "system_manufacturer": "Xen",                "groups": [                    {                        "id": "1eb1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxce2696995af",                        "name": "Windows Workstations"                    },                    {                        "id": "2399xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx40b186f4f94",                        "name": "Windows 10"                    }                ],                "tags": [],                "platform": "Windows",                "instance_id": "i-004a7e4771430d2bd",                "service_provider_account_id": "5xxxxxxxxxx6",                "service_provider": "55xxxxxxxxxx6",                "os_build": "18363",                "product_type_desc": "Workstation",                "asset_criticality": "Critical",                "entity_graph_id": "445xxxxxxxxxx65139",                "third_party_asset_ids": [                    "ServiceNow: 008125xxxxxxxxxx61491ecc139619b2"                ],                "managed_by": "Falcon sensor",                "host_last_seen_timestamp": "2023-07-30T00:00:00Z"            },            "remediation": {                "ids": [                    "46147e49f3b636c5978b3134c822a11d"                ],                "entities": [                    {                        "id": "46147e49f3b636c5978b3134c822a11d",                        "reference": "cpe:/a:microsoft:office::::",                        "title": "Update Microsoft Office",                        "action": "Update Microsoft Office to the latest available version",                        "link": "",                        "vendor_url": ""                    }                ]            }        }    ]}

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