Search for Host Groups in your environment by providing an FQL filter and paging details. Returns a set of Host Groups which match the filter criteria.

External Documentation

To learn more, visit the CrowdStrike documentation.

Basic Parameters

FilterThe filter expression that should be used to limit the results.

Advanced Parameters

LimitThe maximum records to return. [1-5000].
OffsetThe offset to start retrieving records from.
SortThe property to sort by.

Example Output

	"errors": [
			"code": 0,
			"id": "string",
			"message": "string"
	"meta": {
		"pagination": {
			"limit": 0,
			"offset": 0,
			"total": 0
		"powered_by": "string",
		"query_time": 0,
		"trace_id": "string",
		"writes": {
			"resources_affected": 0
	"resources": [
			"assignment_rule": "The assignment rule of a group",
			"created_by": "The email of the user which created the policy",
			"created_timestamp": "The time at which the policy was created",
			"description": "An additional description of the group or the devices it targets",
			"group_type": "The method by which this host group is managed",
			"id": "The identifier of this host group",
			"modified_by": "The email of the user which last modified the policy",
			"modified_timestamp": "The time at which the policy was last modified",
			"name": "The name of the group"

Workflow Library Example

List Host Groups with Crowdstrike and Send Results Via Email

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