To learn more, visit the Slack documentation.


Channel IDChannel containing the message to be updated. A channel ID can be found at the bottom of the channel’s details screen.
Message BlocksA JSON-based array of structured blocks, presented as a URL-encoded string. If you don’t include this field, the message’s previous blocks will be retained. To remove previous blocks, include an empty array for this field.
Message TextNew text for the message, using the default formatting rules. It’s not required when presenting blocks or attachments.
TimestampTimestamp of the message to be updated. for example - ‘1234567890.123456’.

Example Output

{    "channel": "C024BE91L",    "message": {        "text": "Updated text you carefully authored",        "user": "U34567890"    },    "ok": true,    "text": "Updated text you carefully authored",    "ts": "1401383885.000061"}

Workflow Library Example

Update Message with Slack and Send Results Via Email

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