1. Updating or deleting ephemeral messages is not supported.
  2. Ephemeral messages are not persistent and will disappear when the Slack app or website is reloaded.

To learn more, visit the Slack documentation.

Basic Parameters

ChannelChannel, private group, or IM channel to send message to. Can be an encoded ID, or a name.
ContentThe text to send.Whether the parameter is required depends on your usage of the Blocks & Attachments parameters.For more information see Slack documentation.
UserThe ID of the user who will receive the ephemeral message.The user should be in the channel specified by the channel parameter.

Advanced Parameters

AttachmentsA JSON-based array of structured attachments, presented as a URL-encoded string.
BlocksA JSON-based array of structured blocks, presented as a URL-encoded string.
ParseChange how messages are treated. Defaults to none.For more information see Slack documentation for more detail.
Thread TimestampProvide another message’s Timestamp value to post this message in a thread.You can obtain a message’s Timestamp by using the Get Channel Message's action.Avoid using a reply’s Timestamp value; use its parent’s value instead.Ephemeral messages in threads are only shown if there is already an active thread.

Example Output

{    "message_ts": "1502210682.580145",    "ok": true}

Workflow Library Example

Send Ephemeral Message with Slack and Send Results Via Email

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