
ChannelChannel name to fetch information for.
Include LocaleSet this to true to receive the locale for this conversation.

Example Output

{    "ok": true,    "channel": {        "id": "C03L2S98MM4",        "name": "dummy-channel3",        "is_channel": true,        "is_group": false,        "is_im": false,        "is_mpim": false,        "is_private": false,        "created": 1655655065,        "is_archived": false,        "is_general": false,        "unlinked": 0,        "name_normalized": "dummy-channel3",        "is_shared": false,        "is_org_shared": false,        "is_pending_ext_shared": false,        "pending_shared": [],        "context_team_id": "T01NVABR4UW",        "updated": 1655655065051,        "parent_conversation": null,        "creator": "U03F67N65MX",        "is_ext_shared": false,        "shared_team_ids": [            "T01NVABR4UW"        ],        "pending_connected_team_ids": [],        "is_member": true,        "last_read": "1657205240.349729",        "topic": {            "value": "",            "creator": "",            "last_set": 0        },        "purpose": {            "value": "",            "creator": "",            "last_set": 0        },        "previous_names": []    }}

Workflow Library Example

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