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Send Message

Send a message to a channel, a private group or a group chat.


If the channel/group is private, the Blink application must be added to the channel to send messages to it.


When using Slack User connection, the message will be sent on behalf of the authorized user who created the connection.

Basic Parameters

ChannelChannel, private group, or IM channel to send message to. Can be an encoded ID, or a name.
ContentThe message content, in text or blocks format. Learn more about Slack Blocks.
Send ToChoose the message's destination.
Thread TimestampIf the message is sent in a channel, provide another message's timestamp value to make this message a reply. Avoid using a reply's timestamp value, use its parent instead.
User EmailsList of users to send the message to in a group chat.

Advanced Parameters

MentionsUser emails to mention in the message, separated by commas.

Example Output

"ok": true,
"channel": "C03L2S98MM4",
"ts": "1668526867.176019",
"message": {
"bot_id": "B02PJCV1QKB",
"type": "message",
"text": "example message text",
"user": "U02P2RBCW6R",
"ts": "1668526867.176019",
"app_id": "A02NB62TUMN",
"blocks": [
"type": "rich_text",
"block_id": "uLIbW",
"elements": [
"type": "rich_text_section",
"elements": [
"type": "text",
"text": "example message text"
"team": "T01NVABR4UW",
"bot_profile": {
"id": "B02PJCV1QKB",
"app_id": "A02NB62TUMN",
"name": "Blink",
"icons": {
"image_36": "",
"image_48": "",
"image_72": ""
"deleted": false,
"updated": 1639646274,
"team_id": "T01NVABR4UW"