To learn more, visit the GCP documentation.

Basic Parameters

Project IDThe Google Developers Console project ID or project number.
ZoneThe name of the Google Compute Engine zone in which the cluster resides, or ”-” for all zones.

Advanced Parameters

FieldsSelector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.

Example Output

{    "clusters": [        {            "name": "test",            "nodeConfig": {                "machineType": "e2-medium",                "diskSizeGb": 100,                "oauthScopes": [                    "",                    "",                    "",                    "",                    "",                    ""                ],                "metadata": {                    "disable-legacy-endpoints": "true"                },                "imageType": "COS_CONTAINERD",                "serviceAccount": "default",                "diskType": "pd-standard",                "workloadMetadataConfig": {                    "mode": "GKE_METADATA"                },                "shieldedInstanceConfig": {                    "enableSecureBoot": true,                    "enableIntegrityMonitoring": true                }            },            "masterAuth": {                "clusterCaCertificate": "asdadsa"            },            "loggingService": "",            "monitoringService": "",            "network": "default",            "addonsConfig": {                "httpLoadBalancing": {},                "horizontalPodAutoscaling": {},                "kubernetesDashboard": {                    "disabled": true                },                "networkPolicyConfig": {                    "disabled": true                },                "dnsCacheConfig": {                    "enabled": true                },                "gcePersistentDiskCsiDriverConfig": {                    "enabled": true                },                "gcpFilestoreCsiDriverConfig": {                    "enabled": true                }            },            "subnetwork": "default",            "nodePools": [                {                    "name": "default-pool",                    "config": {                        "machineType": "e2-medium",                        "diskSizeGb": 100,                        "oauthScopes": [                            "",                            "",                            "",                            "",                            "",                            ""                        ],                        "metadata": {                            "disable-legacy-endpoints": "true"                        },                        "imageType": "COS_CONTAINERD",                        "serviceAccount": "default",                        "diskType": "pd-standard",                        "workloadMetadataConfig": {                            "mode": "GKE_METADATA"                        },                        "shieldedInstanceConfig": {                            "enableSecureBoot": true,                            "enableIntegrityMonitoring": true                        }                    },                    "initialNodeCount": 1,                    "autoscaling": {                        "enabled": true,                        "maxNodeCount": 1000,                        "autoprovisioned": true,                        "locationPolicy": "BALANCED"                    },                    "management": {                        "autoUpgrade": true,                        "autoRepair": true                    },                    "maxPodsConstraint": {                        "maxPodsPerNode": "32"                    },                    "podIpv4CidrSize": 26,                    "locations": [                        "us-central1-c",                        "us-central1-b"                    ],                    "networkConfig": {                        "podRange": "gke-test-pods-b76a84aa"                    },                    "selfLink": "",                    "version": "1.24.7-gke.900",                    "instanceGroupUrls": [                        "",                        ""                    ],                    "status": "PROVISIONING",                    "upgradeSettings": {                        "maxSurge": 1,                        "strategy": "SURGE"                    }                }            ],            "locations": [                "us-central1-b",                "us-central1-c",                "us-central1-f",                "us-central1-a"            ],            "labelFingerprint": "a9dc16a7",            "legacyAbac": {},            "ipAllocationPolicy": {                "useIpAliases": true,                "clusterSecondaryRangeName": "gke-stability-cluster-pods-b76a84aa",                "servicesSecondaryRangeName": "gke-stability-cluster-services-b76a84aa",                "stackType": "IPV4"            },            "masterAuthorizedNetworksConfig": {},            "maintenancePolicy": {                "resourceVersion": "e3b0c442"            },            "binaryAuthorization": {                "evaluationMode": "DISABLED"            },            "autoscaling": {                "enableNodeAutoprovisioning": true,                "resourceLimits": [                    {                        "resourceType": "cpu",                        "maximum": "1000000000"                    },                    {                        "resourceType": "memory",                        "maximum": "1000000000"                    },                    {                        "resourceType": "nvidia-tesla-t4",                        "maximum": "1000000000"                    },                    {                        "resourceType": "nvidia-tesla-a100",                        "maximum": "1000000000"                    }                ],                "autoscalingProfile": "OPTIMIZE_UTILIZATION",                "autoprovisioningNodePoolDefaults": {                    "oauthScopes": [                        "",                        "",                        "",                        "",                        "",                        ""                    ],                    "serviceAccount": "default",                    "upgradeSettings": {                        "maxSurge": 1,                        "strategy": "SURGE"                    },                    "management": {                        "autoUpgrade": true,                        "autoRepair": true                    },                    "imageType": "COS_CONTAINERD"                }            },            "networkConfig": {                "network": "projects/test/global/networks/default",                "subnetwork": "projects/test/regions/us-central1/subnetworks/default",                "enableIntraNodeVisibility": true,                "defaultSnatStatus": {},                "datapathProvider": "ADVANCED_DATAPATH",                "serviceExternalIpsConfig": {}            },            "defaultMaxPodsConstraint": {                "maxPodsPerNode": "110"            },            "authenticatorGroupsConfig": {},            "privateClusterConfig": {                "enablePrivateNodes": true,                "masterIpv4CidrBlock": "",                "privateEndpoint": "",                "peeringName": "gke-nbfbd34ab1ff0db0dbde-c36e-5568-peer"            },            "databaseEncryption": {                "state": "DECRYPTED"            },            "verticalPodAutoscaling": {                "enabled": true            },            "shieldedNodes": {                "enabled": true            },            "releaseChannel": {                "channel": "REGULAR"            },            "workloadIdentityConfig": {                "workloadPool": ""            },            "notificationConfig": {                "pubsub": {}            },            "selfLink": "",            "zone": "us-central1",            "initialClusterVersion": "1.24.7-gke.900",            "currentMasterVersion": "1.24.7-gke.900",            "currentNodeVersion": "1.24.7-gke.900",            "createTime": "2022-12-29T17:05:00+00:00",            "status": "PROVISIONING",            "instanceGroupUrls": [                "",                ""            ],            "location": "us-central1",            "autopilot": {                "enabled": true            },            "id": "b76a84aab4af48d3b492279d355e96b4a39e76a6f773455fa08be0220ac4e321",            "nodePoolDefaults": {                "nodeConfigDefaults": {                    "loggingConfig": {                        "variantConfig": {                            "variant": "DEFAULT"                        }                    }                }            },            "loggingConfig": {                "componentConfig": {                    "enableComponents": [                        "SYSTEM_COMPONENTS",                        "WORKLOADS"                    ]                }            },            "monitoringConfig": {                "componentConfig": {                    "enableComponents": [                        "SYSTEM_COMPONENTS"                    ]                }            },            "nodePoolAutoConfig": {}        }    ]}

Workflow Library Example

List Kubernetes Clusters with Gcp and Send Results Via Email

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