
The Run GCP Cloud Query Action performs Steampipe queries on GCP resources with a powerful and simple PostgreSQL syntax.

For example, a complicated action such as listing disks that are not in use in GCP can be done simply:

select  name,  id,  usersfrom  gcp_compute_diskwhere  users is null;

To list disks encrypted with Google-managed key:

select  name,  id,  zone_name,  disk_encryption_key_typefrom  gcp_compute_diskwhere  disk_encryption_key_type = 'Google managed';

A query that fetches a list of GCP S3 buckets with disabled logging looks like this:

select  name,  retention_policy ->> 'retentionPeriod' as retention_periodfrom  gcp_storage_bucketwhere  retention_policy ->> 'retentionPeriod' < 604800 :: text;

A full description of all existing tables and official examples are provided here:

Blink’s supported Steampipe version is: v0.32.0.

Action Parameters

SQL statementThe SQL statement we wish to use to query the resource.
Output formatRepresentation of the output result. The possible options are “Table”, “CSV” or “JSON”.