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List BigQuery Tables

Lists all tables in the specified dataset. Requires the READER dataset role.

External Documentation

To learn more, visit the GCP documentation.


Dataset IDDataset ID of the tables to list.
FieldsSelector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.
Max ResultsMaximum number of results to return.
Project IDProject ID of the tables to list.
Return All PagesAutomatically fetch all resources, page by page.

Example Output

"etag": "A hash of this page of results.",
"kind": "bigquery#tableList",
"nextPageToken": "A token to request the next page of results.",
"tables": [
"clustering": {
"fields": [
"creationTime": "The time when this table was created, in milliseconds since the epoch.",
"expirationTime": "[Optional] The time when this table expires, in milliseconds since the epoch. If not present, the table will persist indefinitely. Expired tables will be deleted and their storage reclaimed.",
"friendlyName": "The user-friendly name for this table.",
"id": "An opaque ID of the table",
"kind": "bigquery#table",
"labels": {},
"rangePartitioning": {
"field": "[TrustedTester] [Required] The table is partitioned by this field. The field must be a top-level NULLABLE/REQUIRED field. The only supported type is INTEGER/INT64.",
"range": {
"end": "[TrustedTester] [Required] The end of range partitioning, exclusive.",
"interval": "[TrustedTester] [Required] The width of each interval.",
"start": "[TrustedTester] [Required] The start of range partitioning, inclusive."
"tableReference": {
"datasetId": "[Required] The ID of the dataset containing this table.",
"projectId": "[Required] The ID of the project containing this table.",
"tableId": "[Required] The ID of the table. The ID must contain only letters (a-z, A-Z), numbers (0-9), or underscores (_). The maximum length is 1,024 characters."
"timePartitioning": {
"expirationMs": "[Optional] Number of milliseconds for which to keep the storage for partitions in the table. The storage in a partition will have an expiration time of its partition time plus this value.",
"field": "[Beta] [Optional] If not set, the table is partitioned by pseudo column, referenced via either '_PARTITIONTIME' as TIMESTAMP type, or '_PARTITIONDATE' as DATE type. If field is specified, the table is instead partitioned by this field. The field must be a top-level TIMESTAMP or DATE field. Its mode must be NULLABLE or REQUIRED.",
"requirePartitionFilter": false,
"type": "[Required] The supported types are DAY, HOUR, MONTH, and YEAR, which will generate one partition per day, hour, month, and year, respectively. When the type is not specified, the default behavior is DAY."
"type": "The type of table. Possible values are: TABLE, VIEW.",
"view": {
"useLegacySql": false
"totalItems": 0

Workflow Library Example

List Bigquery Tables with Gcp and Send Results Via Email

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