
The Run GitHub Cloud Query Action performs PostgreSQL queries on GitHub resources with a powerful and simple syntax.

For example, listing all branches of a GitHub repo can be done simply:

select  name,  commit_sha,  protectedfrom  github_branchwhere  repository_full_name = 'org/repo';

List all visible teams in an organization:

select  name,  slug,  privacy,  descriptionfrom  github_teamwhere  organization = 'my_org';

A query to list issues that took more than 30 days to close:

select  title,  id,  state,  created_at,  closed_at,  html_urlfrom  github_search_issuewhere  query = 'org:turbot state:closed'  and closed_at > (created_at + interval '30' day);

A full description of all existing tables and official examples are provided here:

Blink’s supported Steampipe version is: v0.25.0.

Action Parameters

SQL statementThe SQL statement we wish to use to query the resource.
Output formatRepresentation of the output result. The possible options are “Table”, “CSV” or “JSON”.

This action does not support GitHub Oauth connections.