For more information on using this endpoint, see guidelines and limitations described in Retrieve Asset Data from

Requires ADMINISTRATOR [64] user permissions. See Permissions.

To learn more, visit the Tenable documentation.

Basic Parameters

Chunk SizeSpecifies the number of assets per exported chunk. The range is 100-10000. If you specify a value outside of that range, returns a 400 error.Note: Using smaller chunks size can improve performance. Tenable does not recommend using a chunk size larger than 5000 as the potential for an error increases above this amount.
Filter By Creation DateReturns all assets created later than the date specified. The specified date must be in the Unix timestamp format.
Filter By Deletion DateReturns all assets deleted later than the date specified. The specified date must in the Unix timestamp format.

Advanced Parameters

First Scan TimeReturns all assets with a first scan time later than the date specified. The specified date must be in the Unix timestamp format.
Is DeletedWhen set to true, returns assets which have any value for the deleted_at attribute.
Is LicensedSpecifies whether the asset is included in the asset count for the instance. If true, returns only licensed assets. If false, returns all assets, both licensed and unlicensed.
Is TerminatedWhen set to true, returns assets which have any value for the terminated_at attribute.
Network IDThe ID of the network object associated with scanners that identified the assets you want to export. The default network ID is 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000. To determine the ID of a custom network, use the GET /networks endpoint. For more information about network objects, see Manage Networks.

Example Output

{    "value": {        "export_uuid": "60a26f04-c844-49a6-b67b-995a6ed79471"    }}

Workflow Library Example

Export Assets with Tenable and Send Results Via Email

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