
Department NameThe name of the department. Can be obtained via the List Departments action.
IDThe ID of the user. Can be obtained via the List Users action.
Site NameThe name of the site. Can be obtained via the List Sites action.
User Name-
User Phone-
User Title-

Example Output

{    "user": {        "avatar": {            "color": "#fd4165",            "initials": "JD",            "type": "initials"        },        "created_at": "2030-01-01T00:00:00.000+00:00",        "custom_fields_values": [            {                "custom_field_id": "1",                "id": "10",                "name": "Text custom field",                "options": "",                "type_name": "Text",                "value": "content"            },            {                "custom_field_id": "2",                "id": "100",                "name": "User custom field",                "options": "",                "type_name": "User",                "user": {                    "email": "",                    "group_id": 1,                    "id": 1,                    "is_user": true,                    "name": "John Doe"                },                "value": "1"            }        ],        "department": {            "default_assignee_id": "1",            "description": "",            "id": "1",            "name": "Support"        },        "disabled": false,        "email": "",        "group_ids": [            1        ],        "id": "10000",        "mobile_phone": "+10000000",        "name": "John Doe",        "phone": "+10000000",        "reports_to": {            "avatar": {                "color": "#fd4166",                "initials": "JD",                "type": "initials"            },            "email": "",            "group_id": "1",            "id": "100",            "is_user": "true",            "name": "Jane Doe"        },        "role": {            "description": "Requester role.",            "id": 1,            "name": "Requester",            "portal": true,            "show_my_tasks": true        },        "site": {            "description": "",            "id": "1",            "location": "AUS",            "name": "Austin TX, USA",            "time_zone": ""        },        "title": "Support Agent"    }}

Workflow Library Example

Update User by Id with Solarwinds Service Desk and Send Results Via Email

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