Modify the maintenance window.


Effective ToRecurrence end. Format UNIX time. Default: equal to to. (Only future allowed. Use 1 for the current timestamp.).
FromInitial maintenance window start. Format UNIX time. (Only future allowed. Use 1 for the current timestamp.).
IDid of maintenance window.
Recurrence TypeType of recurrence.
Repeat EveryRepeat every n-th day/week/month.
ToInitial maintenance window end. Format UNIX time. (Only future allowed. Use 1 for the current timestamp.).
Transaction Maintenance Separated IDsIdentifiers of transaction checks to assign to the maintenance window - Comma separated Integers.
Uptime IOsIdentifiers of uptime checks to assign to the maintenance window - Comma separated Integers.

Example Output

	"message": "Maintenance window successfully modified!"

Workflow Library Example

Update Maintenance Window with Pingdom and Send Results Via Email

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