Modify settings for a check. The provided settings will overwrite previous values. Settings not provided will stay the same as before the update. To clear an existing value, provide an empty value. Please note that you cannot change the type of a check once it has been created.

Basic Parameters

Check IDsIdentifiers of checks to modify in bulk. For example checkids=1234,5678.
HostTarget host.
NameCheck name.
ResolutionHow often should the check be tested? (minutes).
check IDIdentifier of check to be updated.

Advanced Parameters

Add TagsCheck tags to add in addition to current check tags.
AuthUsername and password, colon separated.
Custom MessageCustom message that will be added to email and webhook alerts.
EncryptionConnection encryption.
IPv6Use ipv6 instead of ipv4, if an IP address is provided as host this will be overrided by the IP address version.
Integration IDsIntegration identifiers. For example integrationids:[1,2,3].
Notify Again EveryNotify again every n result. 0 means that no extra notifications will be sent.
Notify When BackupNotify when back up again.
PortTarget port.
Post DataData that should be posted to the web page, for example submission data for a sign-up or login form. The data needs to be formatted in the same way as a web browser would send it to the web server.
Probe FiltersFilters used for probe selections. Overwrites previous filters for check. To remove all filters from a check, use an empty value. Comma separated key:value pairs. Currently only region is supported. Possible values are ‘EU’, ‘NA’, ‘APAC’ and ‘LATAM’. For example, “region: NA”.
Request HeadersCustom HTTP header. The entry value should contain a one-element string array. The element should contain headerName and headerValue colon-separated. To add more than one header send other parameters named requestheaders{number}.
Response Time ThresholdTriggers a down alert if the response time exceeds threshold specified in ms (Not available for Starter and Free plans.).
SSL Down Days BeforeTreat the target site as down if a certificate expires within the given number of days. This parameter will be ignored if verify_certificate is set to false.
Send Notification When DownSend notification when down X times.
Should ContainTarget site should contain this string. Note! This parameter cannot be used together with the parameter “shouldnotcontain”, use only one of them in your request.
Should Not ContainTarget site should NOT contain this string. Note! This parameter cannot be used together with the parameter “shouldcontain”, use only one of them in your request.
TagsList of tags for check. The maximum length of a tag is 64 characters.
Team IDsTeams to alert. Comma separated Integers.
URLPath to target on server.
User iDsUser identifiers. For example userids=154325,465231,765871.
Verify CertificateTreat target site as down if an invalid/unverifiable certificate is found.

Example Output

	"message": "Modification of check was successful!"

Workflow Library Example

Update Check with Pingdom and Send Results Via Email

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