
Include SeverityInclude severity level for each check.
Include TagsInclude tag list for each check. Tags can be marked as “a” or “u”, for auto tagged or user tagged.
LimitLimits the number of returned probes to the specified quantity. (Max value is 25000).
OffsetOffset for listing. (Requires limit.).
Show EncryptionIf set, show encryption setting for each check.
TagsTag list separated by commas. As an example “nginx,apache” would filter out all responses except those tagged nginx or apache.

Example Output

{    "checks": [        {            "created": 0,            "hostname": "Target host",            "id": 100,            "ipv6": false,            "lastdownend": 1300977463,            "lastdownstart": 1300977363,            "lasterrortime": 1297446423,            "lastresponsetime": 355,            "lasttesttime": 1300977363,            "name": "mycheck",            "resolution": 0,            "status": "string",            "tags": [                {                    "count": 2,                    "name": "apache",                    "type": "a"                }            ]        }    ],    "counts": {        "filtered": 5,        "limited": 3,        "total": 55    }}

Workflow Library Example

List Checks with Pingdom and Send Results Via Email

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