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Get Average Response Time

Returns the average response time for each hour of the day (0-23) for a specific check over a selected time period. I.e. it shows you what an average day looks like during that time period.


Check ID-
FromStart time of period. Format is UNIX timestamp. Default value is one week eariler than to.
ProbesFilter to only use results from a list of probes. Format is a comma separated list of probe identifiers. By default all probes results are returned.
ToEnd time of period. Format is UNIX timestamp. Default value is current time.
Use Local TimeIf true, use the user's local time zone for results (from and to parameters should still be specified in UTC). If false, use UTC for results.

Example Output

"hoursofday": [
"avgresponse": 299,
"hour": 1

Workflow Library Example

Get Average Response Time with Pingdom and Send Results Via Email

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