Get Performance Report
For a given period of time, return a list of time intervals with the given resolution. An interval may be a week, a day or an hour depending on the chosen resolution. It can be used to display a detailed view of a check with information about its steps and generate graphs.
Parameter | Description |
Check ID | Specifies the id of the check for which the performance report will be fetched. |
From | Start time of period. The format is RFC 3339 (properly URL-encoded!). The default value is 10 times the resolution (10 hours, 10 day, 10 weeks) earlier than to . The value is extended to the nearest hour, day or week, depending on the ‘resolution’ parameter and configured time zone of the account. |
Include Uptime | Include uptime information. Adds field downtime, uptime, and unmonitored to the interval array objects. |
Order | Sorting order of outages. Ascending or descending. |
Resolution | Size of an interval for which the results are calculated. For the hour resolution, the max allowed period is one week and 1 day. For the day resolution, the max allowed period is 6 months and 1 day. |
To | End time of period. The format is RFC 3339 (properly URL-encoded!). The default value is the current time. The value is extended to the nearest hour, day or week, depending on the ‘resolution’ parameter and configured time zone of the account. |
Example Output
Workflow Library Example
Get Performance Report with Pingdom and Send Results Via Email
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