Returns a list of actions (alerts) that have been generated for your account.


Check IDsComma-separated list of check identifiers. Limit results to actions generated from these checks. Default: all checks.
FromOnly include actions generated later than this timestamp. Format is UNIX time.
LimitLimits the number of returned results to the specified quantity.
OffsetOffset for listing.
StatusComma-separated list of statuses. Limit results to actions with these statuses. Default: all statuses.
ToOnly include actions generated prior to this timestamp. Format is UNIX time.
User IDsComma-separated list of user identifiers. Limit results to actions sent to these users. Default: all users.
ViaComma-separated list of via mediums. Limit results to actions with these mediums. Default: all mediums.

Example Output

	"actions": {
		"alerts": [
				"charged": true,
				"checkid": 241688,
				"messagefull": "PingdomAlert UP: MyCheck ( is UP again at 2010-12-13 14:50:54. Downtime: 12m.",
				"messageshort": "up",
				"sentto": "46-555555",
				"status": "delivered",
				"time": 1292248276,
				"userid": 111250,
				"username": "John Doe",
				"via": "sms"

Workflow Library Example

List Actions Alerts with Pingdom and Send Results Via Email

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