Updates an existing risk with new values. User must have the risk.update scope.

External Documentation

To learn more, visit the Hyperproof documentation.

Basic Parameters

Risk IDThe unique identifier of the risk. Can be obtained by using the List Risks action.
Risk IdentifierThe identifier of the risk.
Risk NameThe name of the risk.
Risk descriptionThe description of the risk.

Advanced Parameters

CategoryThe category of the risk.
Clear CategoryWhether to clear the category.
Clear Impact LevelWhether to clear the impact level.
Clear Likelihood LevelWhether to clear the likelihood level.
Clear Tolerance LevelWhether to clear the tolerance level.
Impact LevelThe impact level of the risk.
Impact RationalThe rational behind the impact of the risk.
Likelihood LevelThe likelihood level of the risk.
Likelihood RationaleThe rationale behind the likelihood of the risk.
ResponseThe response to the risk.
StatusThe status of the risk.
Tolerance LevelThe tolerance level of the risk.

Example Output

	"id": "d88d505d-5199-11ee-a644-522476618ae8",
	"orgId": "ce83e3cd-5199-11ee-a644-522476618ae8",
	"riskIdentifier": "FGSC-RA1",
	"riskRegisterId": "9f25da4f-1532-11ee-a87d-8e36b9d27de7",
	"name": "Free Gas Safety Checks not provided in a complete and timely manner",
	"description": "Requests from eligible customers for a Free Gas Safety Check are not actioned in an appropriate timescale leading to poor customer service, the potential for safety issues and non compliance with our SLCs.",
	"category": "Controls Program - Customer Operations",
	"response": "accept",
	"responseRationale": "accepted",
	"likelihoodLevel": 1,
	"likelihoodRationale": "security",
	"impactLevel": 1,
	"impactRationale": "cyber",
	"notes": "Reviewed by our internal team",
	"ownerId": "ce83e3cd-5199-11ee-a644-522476618aek",
	"toleranceLevel": 1,
	"overrideActualRisk": false,
	"overrideActualRiskReason": "low",
	"overrideActualRiskBy": "ac57e976-69ab-11ed-b991-1284f382c88o",
	"overrideActualRiskOn": "2023-08-10 20:27:32.890116+00",
	"actualRisk": 4,
	"overrideResidualLikelihood": false,
	"residualLikelihoodLevel": 3,
	"overrideResidualLikelihoodBy": "ac57e976-69ab-12ab-b991-1284f382c88a",
	"overrideResidualLikelihoodOn": "2023-08-10 20:27:32.890116+00",
	"overrideResidualImpact": true,
	"residualImpactLevel": 2,
	"overrideResidualImpactBy": "ac57e976-69ab-11ed-b991-1284f382c88d",
	"overrideResidualImpactOn": "2023-08-10 20:27:32.890116+00",
	"customFields": [
			"fieldId": "ceb912ab-519b-11ee-a644-522476618ae8",
			"fieldName": "Sponsor",
			"fieldType": "text",
			"textValue": "John Smith"
	"status": "active",
	"createdBy": "82d7c228-8bcd-11e9-a94b-ab3de8494987",
	"createdOn": "2023-09-12T18:26:10.005365Z",
	"updatedBy": "82d7c228-8bcd-11e9-a94b-ab3de8494987",
	"updatedOn": "2023-09-12T18:26:10.005365Z",
	"permissions": []

Workflow Library Example

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