To learn more, visit the Hyperproof documentation.

Basic Parameters

CancellationsJson object of an array of cancellations.Example:[{ "historyId": <historyId> "note": <note>}...]For further explanation on how to use this parameter refer to Hyperproof’s documentation.
Control IDThe unique identifier of the control to update. Can be obtained by using the List Controls action.
Control IdentifierThe identifier of the control.
DescriptionThe description of the control.
NameThe name of the control.

Advanced Parameters

AutomationThe automation status of the control.
Clear DomainWhether to clear the domain or not.
Compute Testing StatusWhether to compute the testing status.
Custom FieldsA json object that includes the custom fields. For more information about how to construct this json please visit Hyperproof’s documentation.
Domain IDThe unique identifier of the domain.
Domain NameThe domain name of the control.
External Object IDsA list of external object IDs for the control.
Fresh As Of DateThe fresh as of date of the control.
Fresh As Of NoteThe fresh as of note of the control.
Fresh For DurationThe fresh for duration of the control.
Freshness PolicyThe freshness policy of the control.
HealthDescribes the health of the control.
ImplementationThe implementation status of the control.
NotesNotes for the control.
Override HealthWhether to override the health of the control.
Override Health OnOverride health on of the control.
Override Health ReasonThe reason behind overriding the health of the control.
OwnerThe unique identifier of the user who owns the control.
Reset Freshness NoteThe reset freshness note.
Scope IDThe identifier of the scope.
StatusThe status of the control.
Testing DeficiencyA list of the testing deficiencies of the control.
Testing StatusThe testing status of the control.

Example Output

{    "id": "d88d505d-5199-11ee-a644-522476618ae8",    "orgId": "ce83e3cd-5199-11ee-a644-522476618ae8",    "controlType": "scopeAssignment",    "controlIdentifier": "SOC2-P4.1.1_Legal",    "name": "Include in the privacy notice the use of collected personal information",    "scopeName": "Legal",    "description": "The privacy notice identifies the use of collected personal information.",    "notes": "",    "domainId": "d7cf0a26-5199-11ee-a644-522476618ae8",    "domainName": "Privacy",    "freshnessPolicy": "manual",    "freshForDuration": "PT720H",    "freshness": "fresh",    "implementation": "inProgress",    "testingStatus": "effective",    "testingDeficiency": [],    "computeTestingStatus": false,    "automation": "partial",    "health": "notAvailable",    "overrideHealth": false,    "owner": {        "id": "d2363cab-5199-11ee-a644-522476618ae8",        "type": "activeUser",        "userId": "82d7c228-8bcd-11e9-a94b-ab3de8494987",        "email": "",        "givenName": "Jane",        "surname": "Doe",        "language": "en",        "locale": "US",        "timeZone": "America/Los_Angeles",        "status": "active"    },    "customFields": [        {            "fieldId": "ceb912ab-519b-11ee-a644-522476618ae8",            "fieldName": "Sponsor",            "fieldType": "text",            "textValue": "John Smith"        }    ],    "status": "active",    "createdBy": "82d7c228-8bcd-11e9-a94b-ab3de8494987",    "createdOn": "2023-09-12T18:26:10.005365Z",    "updatedBy": "82d7c228-8bcd-11e9-a94b-ab3de8494987",    "updatedOn": "2023-09-12T18:26:10.005365Z",    "permissions": []}

Workflow Library Example

Update Control with Hyperproof and Send Results Via Email

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